Bryan Edwards W5KFT hosted a picnic get-together for ON4UN and members
and family of the Central Texas DX &
Contest Club at his family's cattle ranch, on the shores of Lake
Buchanan, about 70 miles NW of Austin, TX. The ranch is also home to the
W5KFT Ranch Station, a power-house
contest station that is active year-round in all sorts of radio contests.
Bryan Edwards W5KFT, explaining some aspect of the station to
Bob Yeargain W5EK.
John Brosnahan W0UN.
Bob Yeargain W5EK and Gary Schmidt W5ZL.
Party guests hanging out under the trees by the lake.
Scott Pederson KI5DR, holding everyone's attention.
John Devoldere ON4UN.
Dennis Mowers K5YA.
Dick Weber K5IU and Larry Alkoff N2LA.
Bryan Edwards W5KFT, grilling hamburgers.
Deck Weber K5IU and John Devoldere ON4UN.
Skip Cameron W5GAI and Trent Johnson K5TWJ.
The salads and vegetables table.
The chips, dips, and salted nuts table.
The desserts table.
Susan King K5DU.
Susan King K5DU and John Warren NT5C, waiting for food.
The scene on the lawn.
Brad Rhem KV5V talks with John Devoldere ON4UN.
Richard King K5NA.